Dos apartamentos (3-1 y 3-2) y local en Hopitalet de LLobregat cerca de Barcelona
Two apartaments (3-1 and 3-2) and a warehouse in Hospitalet de LLobregat near Barcelona
Price: 100000
Contact UsGround floor plus five floors. A commercial premise and 6 apartments divisible into two properties each.
Commercial premise and 5 leased apartments in low profitability. One apartment is not rented.
The footprint of the property is 199 square meters.
Price: 3050000
Contact UsGround floor plus five floors. 2 commercial premises and 11 apartments of 119 square meters each.
Commercial premises and 9 apartments are rented in low profitability. 2 apartments are not rented.
The footprint of the property is 445 square meters.
Price: 5974000
Contact UsGround floor plus five floors. 2 commercial premises and 11 apartments of 120 square meters each.
Commercial premises and 10 apartments are rented in low profitability. One apartment is not rented.
The footprint of the property 389 square meters.
Price: 5921000
Contact UsBuilding in Barcelona city center. Check this link for all information.
Price: 2500000
Contact Us
+34 932 020 256
+34 932 411 174
Avda. Diagonal 467, 6-1
08036 Barcelona (Spain)