
Wrongful dismissal for making a mistake at work?

Wrongful dismissal for making a mistake at work?

In its recent judgement STSJ Canarias 837/2024, the Labour Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Canarias (TSJC)) analysed the disciplinary

Can biometrics be used for clocking in?

Can biometrics be used for clocking in?

Does your company use fingerprints or facial recognition of your employees in order to register the moment they begin and end their working day? Or pehaps you have considered employing such a

The Prevention of Psychosocial Risks in the Company

The Prevention of Psychosocial Risks in the Company

Psychosocial risks: Work-related stress, burnout syndrome, mobbing, sexual harassment, and physical violence are some forms in which these work-related disorders can manifest, affecting the

LGBTI Harassment prevention obligation

LGBTI Harassment prevention obligation

PROTOCOL FOR THE PREVENTION OF HARASSMENT OF LGTBI PERSONS Law 4/2023, of the 28th of February, for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBI

Retirement in Spain (Labour Lawyer Specialised in Retirement)

Retirement in Spain (Labour Lawyer Specialised in Retirement)

In this article, we will explain the different types of pensions and the requirements to receive them.

What is a collective dismissal according to Spanish labour law?

What is a collective dismissal according to Spanish labour law?

In the application of article 51 of the Workers' Statute, collective dismissal is understood to be the termination of employment contracts based on economic, technical, organisational or production

Special Social Security Agreement: How to protect your pension

Special Social Security Agreement: How to protect your pension

Find out how the Special Social Security Agreement can be a convenient way to secure your retirement and improve your financial well-being so that your pension is not negatively affected by a

Voluntary Leave: Article 46(2) of the Workers' Statute

Voluntary Leave: Article 46(2) of the Workers' Statute

An employee who has worked at a company for at least one year and who has not been on voluntary leave for at least four years, is entitled to

Recovering costs in legal aid cases

Recovering costs in legal aid cases

Legal aid is a system in which a person who fulfils certain requirements can have access to a lawyer and a 'procurador' without having to pay for their services.

Objective Dismissal: Article 52 of the Workers' Statute

Objective Dismissal: Article 52 of the Workers' Statute

The Covid pandemic led to an attempt to limit job losses. However, as a result of governmental economic policies which have sought to increase the competitiveness of companies, the legal framework

ILO Lawyer for employment staff regulations claims against UN Agency

ILO Lawyer for employment staff regulations claims against UN Agency

The Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization (hereinafter referred to as ILO) has, since 1947 been the competent judicial body to hear disputes that may arise with officials

Legal and financial obligations of companies in Spain

Legal and financial obligations of companies in Spain

Commercial companies in Spain are subject to a number of obligations that they must comply with in order to operate in a legal and transparent manner. These obligations vary depending on the nature

How to hire a foreigner in Spain

How to hire a foreigner in Spain


Types of dismissal and layoffs in Spain

Types of dismissal and layoffs in Spain

On this page we will explain the different types of dismissals in Spain, how to proceed and what their potential consequences are. In Spain, there are two types of dismissal or, rather, there are two

post-contractual non-competition employment agreements in spain

post-contractual non-competition employment agreements in spain

One important employee obligation which has recently regained importance due to the introduction of new technologies (code, blockchain, computer programs or software, etc) is theprohibition of



The CEO management contract is regulated by the Royal Decree 1382/1985. This law covers those who hold the position of CEO, i.e. an employee who carries out the tasks of a CEO with full autonomy and

How to hire employees in Spain
Experts in spanish labour regulation - Employment collective dismissal

Experts in spanish labour regulation - Employment collective dismissal

Multinational enterprises sometimes need to do some restructuring in one or more of the countries where they operate. This gives rise to collective dismissals, transfers, contractual changes, or even

A practical guide to setting up a limited company in Spain

A practical guide to setting up a limited company in Spain

Written by Josep Conesa Labour and bankruptcy lawyer More

Employment lawyer

Employment lawyer

There are different ways to extinguish a contract in Spain: redundancies, disciplinary dismissal, contractual modifications, etc. Link to English-speaking employment lawyer