Abigail Sked

How to legally include data in a Debtors List

How to legally include data in a Debtors List

Debtors Lists (Ficheros de Morosos) arguably play an important role in reducing unpaid debts by providing motivation for debtors to pay and by providing a means for companies to check out potential

Data Protection Officer: How data protection works in Spain

Data Protection Officer: How data protection works in Spain

In certain situations it's necessary for a company to hire a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to support them with their fulfillment of their data protection responsibilities. Both Data Controllers and

What is a collective dismissal according to Spanish labour law?

What is a collective dismissal according to Spanish labour law?

In the application of article 51 of the Workers' Statute, collective dismissal is understood to be the termination of employment contracts based on economic, technical, organisational or production

The NIS 2 Directive: Cybersecurity obligations in the European Union

The NIS 2 Directive: Cybersecurity obligations in the European Union

ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, noted a significant increase in the quantity and variety of cyberattacks and their consequences in the latter part of 2022 and the first half of

Accept cookies or pay: Is this legal?

Accept cookies or pay: Is this legal?

Earlier this year, I was looking for information on a well-known Spanish news website. I clicked to enter the website and I was greeted with a cookie banner that gave me two options: Navegación

Legal Characteristics of Catalan Cooperatives

Legal Characteristics of Catalan Cooperatives

What is a cooperative? The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) defines a cooperative as "an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and

Corporate consultancy for company minutes books in Spain

Corporate consultancy for company minutes books in Spain

What is the company minutes book? In the Spanish business environment, company minutes books (libros de actas) document and record the most important decisions and agreements affecting the company

Would you sell a copy of your iris for cryptocurrency?

Would you sell a copy of your iris for cryptocurrency?

It might seem like a quote from a science-fiction movie, but sometimes facts are stranger than fiction.

Shareholders' agreements in Spain: content, function and legal effect

Shareholders' agreements in Spain: content, function and legal effect

Shareholders' agreements (‘pactos de socios’/’pactos parasociales’ in Spanish) are an increasingly popular feature of the formation and operation of companies, as they set out the rules and

Legal and financial obligations of companies in Spain

Legal and financial obligations of companies in Spain

Commercial companies in Spain are subject to a number of obligations that they must comply with in order to operate in a legal and transparent manner. These obligations vary depending on the nature

Crimes against honour, privacy and one's own image in Spain

Crimes against honour, privacy and one's own image in Spain

Article 18 of the Spanish Consititution guarantees the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one's own image (el derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar y a la propia

The Minimum Rights of Minority Shareholders in a Limited Liability Company in Spain

The Minimum Rights of Minority Shareholders in a Limited Liability Company in Spain

Limited Liability Companies (Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.L.s) in Spanish) are one of the most common forms of business in Spain. These entities offer a number of advantages, such as

When to incorporate a limited liability company for your business: Advantages and disadvantages

When to incorporate a limited liability company for your business: Advantages and disadvantages

If you’re reading this, you probably have a great idea for a business. You know what service or product you want to provide, you know who you want to provide it to and you can’t wait to start.

Legal considerations for foreign real estate investors in Spain

Legal considerations for foreign real estate investors in Spain

If you are thinking about investing in real estate in Spain then you are in good company. More and more people from around the world are buying property in Spain and for good reason. Not only does

Spanish Start-ups Law for entrepreneurs: Accreditation process is open

Spanish Start-ups Law for entrepreneurs: Accreditation process is open

Good news for start-ups! As of July 2023, start-ups can now apply to be certified with ENISA (la Empresa Nacional de Innovación) under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. But what is this

What do I need to include in my website's privacy policy?

What do I need to include in my website's privacy policy?

Your privacy policy is your way to fulfill your obligation to let your data subjects know that you are collecting personal data about them, how it will be used, and what their rights are. We agree to

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how does it affect me?

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how does it affect me?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law of the European Union which regulates the way that companies process and use the personal data that they collect from consumers. It is direct EU

Who can apply for the digital nomad visa in Spain and how?

Who can apply for the digital nomad visa in Spain and how?

Over the course of the last few years, the world has increasingly moved online, creating the perfect environment for the ‘digital nomad’ to flourish. The idea that remote work can allow one to travel